Fuel Cinema Sundays - The Girl on a Motorcycle (1968)

The Girl on a Motorcycle (1968)
Nothing better than an awesome film to relax at the end of the weekend right? So, on this Fuel Cinema Sundays, we share with you a classic with a little bit awkward film with Alain Delon and Marianne Faithfull "The Girl on a Motorcycle", sometimes psychedelic and sometimes HOT, this film put a cool vision about how sexy is a woman and his motorcycle, pay attention because you're gonna need semiotics skills to understand some parts!
Director Jack Cardiff also served as scripter and cinematographer of the Anglo-French co-production Girl on a Motorcycle (La Motocyclette) The girl in question is played by leather-clad Marianne Faithfull, who speeds through Alsace on her cycle, en route to a tryst in Heidelberg with her ex-lover (Alain Delon). In a series of flashbacks, she recalls the events leading up to the present critical moment, including her desultory marriage. Based on a novel by Andre de Pieyre, the R-rated Girl on a Motorcycle was originally released in English-speaking countries in an X-rated version titled Naked Under Leather. Based on the stage play by Walter Melville.